
Pop Up Tents Help Spring Blood Drives & Seasonal Fundraisers Go Smoothly

Posted by Canopies Tarps on Feb 26th 2014

Each March, many Americans help celebrate Red Cross Month by hosting blood drives and fundraisers. If your healthcare organization, business or group plans on participating this year, dont forget to order several pop up tents. Having them set-up onsite will make both blood drives and fundraisers go smoothly.

Heres how:

If you are going to host a blood drive, youll need a central area where donors can sign in and provide their personal information. Having a Pro Series Commercial Grade Pop Up Tent would help make that central area standout. You could place a large banner on or in front of the canopy identifying it as the sign-up area. Afterward, you could set-up a table under the tent and fill it with sign-up sheets, clipboards and pens.

Separate pop-up tents in different colors could also be placed in the same general area. They could be used to house post-donation I Gave Blood stickers and light refreshments for spring blood drive participants. Ideally, the light refreshment stands pop up canopy should be outfitted with food mesh walls as well. Theyll help to keep the operation sanitary.

As for fundraisers, the pop up tents could be used in a variety of ways. It all depends on which fundraiser you plan on hosting. For example, you could set the tent up in front of your business and sell bleeding heart plants, red t-shirts, medical tags or some other item. The proceeds could then be donated to your local Red Cross chapter.

If a straight up sale isnt your type of fundraiser, dont worry. The pop up tents could also be used to house a charity auction, live radio remote personalities, special contests and other special activities. To learn more about how to incorporate them into your fundraising plans, please contact us at (877) 811-3911. At Canopies and Tarps, we have the products spring blood drive and charity event organizers need.